Nelson Lu

Aspiring Software Developer

Nelson Lu

Aspiring Software Developer

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Restless Crypt

Python, Pygame, Graphical User Interace, Object-Oriented Programming


Restless Crypt is an implementation of a dungeon crawler game using the Pygame module. It's a game where the main character, a Fire Fairy, must escape a 4-level restless dungeon with enemies. The Fairy must fight a boss at the last level to escape the dungeon.

This project is a fleshed-out version of a simple shell-based game introduced in my first CS courses. Originally, the project scope did not involve Pygame; it was just a command-line user interaction with one main character and two enemies to demonstrate my understanding of object-oriented programming concepts. I took this project a step further by creating more enemies and items, including level files, implementing a GUI with event-based user-interaction, including sound and sound effects.

Tech & Framework used




Object-Oriented Programming
