Nelson Lu

Aspiring Software Developer

Nelson Lu

Aspiring Software Developer

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Nelson Lu

Aspiring Software Developer

Nelson Lu

Aspiring Software Developer

Connect with me!

Hi, I'm Nelson

Aspiring Software Developer

A Seattle-based, self-motivated professional with over 10 years of experience in data analysis and database management. Currently developing a program reporting app and improving team workflows to improve human interaction experience for teams.

About Me

Hi, I'm Nelson

I'm from Seattle, WA, and I have spent the last 6 years in the public sector collaborating and managing diverse stakeholders to develop programs and budget related to the environment, community economic development, and housing policies. I have always been fascinated with technology and leveraging the power of tech to improve workflow and productivity.

Since 2016, I have worked with a nonprofit group, Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, to design Salesforce database for donor management and improve reporting analytics. I automated reporting queries and connected external tools that utilize the database using Zapier. And in 2022, I developed a full-stack MERN app that program staff can use to generate and manage program report and track program analytics.

In early 2022, I've decided to further my experience with technology, enrolling at Oregon State University as a Computer Science student. My current studies include algorithmic analysis, database design, machine learning, and operating systems.

Check out my latest projects on this site by clicking the Projects section on the Nav bar.

Tech I've worked with
























Tailwind CSS



Contact me


Nelson Lu

I'm looking for internship opportunities while I finish my degree in CS. I'm based in Seattle, WA.

I made this site with React, NextJS, and TailwindCSS. Code available here.

Connect With Me